Conference paper on U-Healthcare system accepted

This year has started well in terms of papers. Today a paper acceptance modification appeared in my inbox. The paper is about the U-Healthcare system developed in collaboration with Prof. Chaewoo Lee and Prof. Haejung Suk at Ajou University. Here are the paper details:

  • Authors: Teemu H. Laine, Chaewoo Lee and Haejung Suk
  • Title: Mobile gateway for heterogeneous sensors using ZigBee and Bluetooth
  • Conference: The 8th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing

The paper combines our mobile development expertise with Prof. Lee’s work on wireless sensor networks. It focuses on a Bluetooth-based mobile gateway that bridges the connection between a sensor network and the Internet. Controlling a sensor network from the mobile gateway is also possible. The flexible design of the system does not restrict its usage only to health care services because the gateway can be configured to work with any kind of sensor network having a sink node with Bluetooth capability.

The conference will be held in Birmingham, UK. This grants us a nice opportunity to visit good friends at the University of Warwick 🙂


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