It has been a while to update about recent scholarly activities at UbiLife. Since January four new articles have been either published or accepted for publication, which are summarised as follows:
- Authors: Teemu H. Laine and Haejung Suk
- Title: Designing Educational Mobile Augmented Reality Games Using Motivators and Disturbance Factors
- In book: Augmented Reality Games II: The Gamification of Education, Medicine and Art (Springer) [link]
- Abstract: This book chapter provides an in-depth analysis to the design of mobile AR games using motivators and disturbance factors as tools. Motivators, which are promoted by gamification elements, can be seen as a positive force that facilitate engagement and learning. In contrast, disturbance factors are a negative force that hinder or disrupt the learning process. The chapter suggests that by identifying motivators and disturbance factors, educational mobile AR games can be designed to be more effective and engaging. We analysed two case studies from these perspectives to illustrate this.
- Authors: Samuli Laato, Tarja Pietarinen, Sampsa Rauti and Teemu H. Laine
- Title: Analysis of the Quality of Points of Interests in the Most Popular Location-based Games
- Conference: The 20th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies
- Abstract: Many popular location-based games (LBGs), such as Pokemon GO and Draconius, rely on a set of points of interest (PoIs) in the real world that can be generated in many ways (e.g. automatic or manual). The quality of PoIs may have a significant effect on the gameplay experience and safety of the player. A PoI generated in a location that requires one to cross a busy highway is an example of the latter. This study conducts a comparative analysis of the PoI generation strategies of the most popular LBGs.
- Authors: Aziz Hasanov, Teemu H. Laine and Tae-Sun Chun
- Title: A survey of adaptive context-aware learning environments
- Journal: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (accepted)
- Abstract: This study is a follow up of another survey published in 2017. In this article we provide a substantial extension to the previous survey in terms of number of reviewed studies as well as depth of the analysis. We conducted a systematic literature review to analyse 53 adaptive and context-aware learning environments (2010-2018) from several perspectives, including context-awareness, adaptation, and pedagogy.
- Authors: Samuli Laato, Teemu H. Laine and Erkki Sutinen
- Title: Affordances of music composing software for learning mathematics at primary schools
- Journal: Research in Learning Technology (accepted)
- Abstract: In this study we conducted a review of 57 music composing software and their educational affordances for mathematics education. The Finnish national curriculum was used as the point of comparison when determining the educational potential of the reviewed software. This study is one of the first comprehensive explorations at the intersection of music composing software and mathematics education.