Boredom Detection from Gaze and EEG

Continuing our research thread on emotion-aware computing, I am happy to announce the following publication accepted to the Biomedical Signal Processing and Control journal with an impact factor of 2.214:

  • Authors: Joochan Kim, Jungryul Seo and Teemu H. Laine
  • Title: Detecting Boredom from Eye Gaze and EEG
  • Journal: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
  • Summary: Boredom has received relatively little attention as a target emotion in emotion-aware systems. We first conducted a background study on boredom and its detection by physiological methods. Then, we designed and executed an experiment that uses a video stimulus – specifically designed for this experiment, yet general enough for other boredom research – with an eye tracker and EEG sensor to elicit and detect boredom. Moreover, a questionnaire was used to confirm the existence of boredom. The experiment was based on a hypothesis that participants may feel bored when their gaze deviates from an expected area of interest, thus indicating loss of attention. The results indicated correlations between eye gaze data and EEG data with all participants when they felt bored.

This study can be useful for researchers who have interest in developing boredom-aware systems, for example in the domain of education.

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