Congratulations, Dr. Jungryul Seo!

Dr. Jungryul Seo, our expert in machine learning and emotion detection based on physiological sensors, received his doctoral degree at Ajou University yesterday. Jungryul’s journey at UbiLife started as a MSc student, but then he changed to a combined MSc+PhD track which officially ended yesterday at the graduation day. During this journey, he has grown into an independent and productive researcher who has without a doubt a bright academic future ahead.

Dr. Seo and Dr. Laine


Jungryul is heading to a post-doctoral position at the Ewha Womans University in Seoul to continue his research on machine learning, this time focusing on robotics and AI. It is a very promising area, thus providing Jungryul with a great opportunity to expand is knowledge and kick-start his academic career path.

Dr. Laine and Dr. Seo

I want to express my deep gratitude to Jungryul for everything he has done at UbiLife (which is A LOT). There is a saying that nobody is irreplaceable, but in the case of Jungryul it just might be true. It will be hard to find as loyal, hard-working, skillful and resourceful person as Jungryul. I look forward to continue collaborating with him in years to come.

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